Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Keep It Simple

Hi all.

I know I have not been using my blog for most of the semester, but I wanted to post a link to an article about Van Morrison's new album, Keep It Simple. It was released on April 1, and I've found it to be very enjoyable. If you are a fan, pay close attention to tracks 3, 6, 8 and 9. I tend to like his slower, jazzier stuff and this album is full of that.

The link to the review is here:


And you can listen to full tracks here on the Lost Highway website:


Keep It Simple, the title track, is my favorite...

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hello fellow T-560ers.

I'm on day 3 of being sick, and judging by the symptoms (heavy cough, chills, general feeling of weakness), I feel like it must be the flu.  Blah!  Unfortunately, this means that I will not be able to make it to class tonight, which really disappoints me because it is only week two.  If anyone checks my blog, maybe some of you can fill me in on what we do tonight.  I had asked Chris about whether or not class would be videotaped, but also thought it would be a good use of the blog to get information from classmates.

Thanks, and have a great class!  I'll be laying on my couch, feeling miserable...
